

i was back down in the kitchen area for a supply run, and for nostalgia's sake i dropped by my old place. i looked at the under-the-hutch area where that jerk neighbor mouse used to live; now, compared to the cozy luxury of my behind-the-bookshelf penthouse, i wonder what i ever saw in the place. dust bunnies, right by the kitchen trash, and the cat food dish right out front in case you hadn't had enough horrible smells.

still, it was home for a long time...and sometimes familiar is mistaken for comfortable, which is practically a synonym for good. funny how the mind can pay tricks on one, even a very observant one such as myself.

now i wonder what else might be keeping me under with this familiar/comfortable/good subduction...under the china hutch of my own potential, as it were. reflect, dear reader: what keeps you under?

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